How to save $50,373 and make money from email

They say you have to spend money to make money, but we can show you a way to save $50k+ in your budget while increasing revenue.

Email marketing has immense potential to make you money but it needs some strategy and resources behind it to really work for you. 

It pays off – ROI can be as high as $40+ for every $1 spent – and you’d be hard pushed to find an alternative way to promote your business, engage with your customers, nurture leads and get those conversions that offers the tangible results that you can get from email marketing.

So how do you put that strategy in place?

Firstly, you stop treating email marketing as an afterthought. It’s an easy habit to fall into. You’ve got the best of intentions, possibly a decent content plan drafted but somehow still find yourself behind schedule, pulling together whatever you can think of and hoping for the best when you hit send.

This happens with email automations too. You get the basics in place, intend to build on it “when you have time” or “when you understand the system better” but suddenly your stopgap solution that was only ever meant to be the first phase becomes your entire email marketing efforts.

If you’re going to take email marketing seriously – and you should – you need to have a team dedicated to it. The days where you could get away with one or two marketing staff to take care of everything are over. It’s unrealistic to expect someone to be skilled and experienced enough in all aspects of marketing and communications nowadays. Even if you happen to find the rare Unicorn employee who can genuinely do everything well, they still only have 40hrs to work their magic and it’s often not enough time, let alone the impact it would have on their job satisfaction. 

How to immediately save yourself over $50,373 

According to Payscale, the average annual salary for an Email Marketing Manager is $74,373 – though it can be up to and over the $100,000 mark. But – and this is important to note – if you use the JobHero Email Marketing Manager position description template to guide you – an Email Marketing Manager isn’t meant to do everything themselves. JobHero says they work closely with other members of the business’ marketing and IT teams and oversee other employees who help develop the email marketing campaigns. 

It takes a village to do email marketing well.

Or the right outsourced solution. Greenfish Marketing’s email marketing services save you up to 78% of what it would cost to hire just one dedicated email marketing staff member. In real terms, your annual cost for full service email marketing starts from under $17,000 – which is significantly less than the $74,373 you’d have to pay one staff member.

Don’t forget you don’t just need to budget the salary either. Recruiting costs money. The Australian HR Institute estimates suggest for some positions that figure can be as high as $23,800 and the average recruitment time frame across Australia and New Zealand is 45 days. You also need to have the desk or office space; technology like computers, phones and software licences and other resources to ensure your new hire can actually do their job.

Greenfish Marketing have all those other people and resources you need. We come backed with years of industry qualifications and experience, and have been trained by the email marketing platforms we use and recommend so we know how to maximise the features to get you the best results. We work with a team of all those other people – the designers, the developers, the copywriters, the strategists – that you need to make your email marketing campaigns be really successful. 

And you might be thinking “well I was never going to hire a staff member anyway so this isn’t a saving” – but let’s take a look at what you could make if you put serious resources into your email marketing efforts. 

We more than doubled a client’s revenue from email in 8 months

One of our clients was making 18% of their revenue from email marketing when they met our Founder and Head of Strategy Steve. They knew that they could be making more, but didn’t have the internal resources to be able to elevate their email marketing efforts. 

Within eight months of working together, our client was reporting that 36% of their revenue was now coming from email and automation marketing and they were definitely seeing return on their investment from their email marketing fees. 

Here’s some of the ways we were able to help: 

  • Developing and implementing a strategic plan that aligned the email marketing goals with specified, measurable outcomes. 
  • Ensuring that their technology stack of software and applications was optimised to help them achieve those goals and outcomes. 
  • Drew on our knowledge, experience and collection of ‘tricks of the trade’ to help guide and educate our client on sending better, more effective emails. 
  • Had a future focus that ensured all implemented solutions would achieve goals and deliver results now, while allowing for easy scalability as the business grows. 

Of course there was a little more to it than that but the beauty of working with a dedicated team of email marketing professionals is that we do all the back end coding, investigative and administrative work for you. 

What would your business be able to do if it was making more money? 

We also offer complimentary strategy calls so you can get to know us, we can understand your goals, and establish if we’re a good fit to work together. Even if we’re not, or you’re not in a position to commit straight away, our team still gives you real tips and advice that you can consider for your business – completely obligation free.

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