Email Automation

Personalized Email Automation That Gives You Back Your Time, Without Sacrificing Your Personal Touch

Engage with every new lead that comes into your business, and stop leaving money on the table with streamlined email automation set up by our expert team. We’ll help remove the tasks slowing your business down, and turn your manual processes into a fully-automated, hands-free system you can rely on.

GREENFISH MARKETING email automation

Kind Words From Our Amazing Clients

Mary Van Orsouw

I was referred to Stephen at Greenfish in 2021 and I am so glad that we were able to connect and work on my CRM. My specialty is Pilates not marketing so Stephen was great being patient with me in getting my CRM up and running. With a closed business through the lockdowns Stephen was able to tailor to my budget and get me started. Since then I have managed to save hours of time and pickup over a 100 leads for my online and studio business. Stephen has also made himself available at all times to help me problem solve and optimise getting the best results for a small business like mine. It has opened my eyes up to all the potential things I can do to nurture my clients and keep them in my funnel. Thank you Stephen!

Daniel Walsh

We’ve seen our business almost double in the last eight months. And that’s just because of the systems that are in place that now we can effectively use our time to scale our business, thanks to Greenfish Marketing. Working with Stephen, we were able to solve all the problems within our business before we scaled, making sure that we really built a great foundation to give our clients the most quality high service that there is in our space. We knew that with their help, we were going to systemise and automate our business in the most efficient and effective way. Once you’ve been able to automate and systemise your business, you will realise just how much more quality work you can do and how much more you can do for your clients. If you want to get back your time in your business, you need to get in contact with Greenfish Marketing and Stephen because, ultimately, they will be able to get your business to the next level.

Simon Hilton

We knew we needed a digital marketing strategy, but in a space that changes every day we didn’t know where to start. Greenfish Marketing and Stephen Berry took the time to understand our business and create a digital solution that aligned our business strategy with our digital marketing strategy. The result has been a dynamic website that works for existing and new clients, an engaged an active internal team and a communication and marketing strategy that attracts the right customers. I highly recommend Greenfish Marketing to any business that needs to transform their marketing function.

Email Automation Can Help You Double Your Capacity, Without Doubling Your Team

At Greenfish Marketing, we can help you build a more efficient business, so you can scale your revenue without adding more workload to your team. Turn your to-do list into a rinse and repeat system, so you can engage with more of your clients and customers automatically.

Strategic email automation can help you to…

Stop repeating the same tasks, and reclaim hours of time every week to focus on the parts of your business that need you most.

Automatically engage with new leads and contacts, and move them to the next stage in your customer journey effortlessly.

Create a personalized experience for your customers and clients that makes your business unforgettable.

Pinpoint and connect with your most engaged leads, so you can stop wasting time on clients who aren’t the right fit for you.

Many Business Owners Struggle to Turn Their Day-to-Day Process into Systems

Have you faced any of the following challenges with your email automation?

Are you or your team spending hours sending the same emails to different clients?

And you feel like a broken record everytime you hit send…

Do you struggle to follow-up new leads and clients when they come into your business?

And you know you’re leaving money on the table…

Have you been hesitant to automate in the past, because you’re afraid of losing the personal-touch you pride yourself on?

And want to maintain the professional reputation of your business…

Do you want to scale and grow your business, but your team is at maximum capacity?

And you don’t have the budget to hire and train new staff…

Are you finding it hard to move leads and clients onto the next stage in your business?

And you need a clear customer journey for them to take…

Do email automation systems scare the daylights out of you?

And you don’t want to spend your time drowning in your business’ tech…

If you answered ‘Yes!’ to any of the questions above, we can help. Whether you’ve tried automation in the past, or you’re ready to streamline your manual business for the first time, our expert team has the experience and passion to help you succeed.


At Greenfish Marketing, We’ll Build Powerful and Simple-to-Manage Automations Into Your Business… So you can Save Time, Boost Profits and Communicate More Effectively With Your Audience.

Through strategic and customized automation services, we’ll help you scale your business to the next-level faster. While you stay focused on what you do best, our team will help to:

Make it easier for new contacts to engage with your business online

Create clear processes and structures to support you and your team to reach your goals

Set up lead score tracking so you can engage with the clients that need you most

Keep clients moving through your business, so no potential clients get missed

Make following up leads and sales easy with automatic reminders for your team

Send regular emails to your ideal clients to keep your business front-of-mind

Reclaim hours for your business every week through the power of automation

Build a more efficient business to save you time, money, and resources every day

Nurture new leads on autopilot with a clear customer journey

From designing your automation strategy, to building out your new systems and processes, we’ll be on-hand to help you achieve your goals every step of the way.

We Engage You And Your Team Across Every Stage Of The Journey

Our Process is Simple:


Discovery Call with Our Expert Team

Chat with our team of marketing and automation specialists to discuss how we can help transform your automation and drive more growth.


Receive a Total Review of Your Current Systems

Work with our team to take a closer look into your people, processes, and purpose, so we can see clearly what is holding you back from success right now.


Design & Implement Your New Strategy

From the simple details to the complex automations, we’ll take care of building your new system for you, so you can focus on what you do best.


Track & Optimize Your Incredible Results

Using powerful tracking tools, we’ll help you monitor and optimize your approach, so you can save even more time and money, and boost greater sales.

Are You Ready to Remove the Obstacles Slowing
Your Business Down, so you can Scale and Grow Faster?