Six reasons your business should invest in digital marketing

Six reasons your business should invest in digital marketing

The digital revolution is all around us. Thanks to companies like Google, the internet is now often the first point of research for most consumers. Whether they’re looking for a nice restaurant to visit for dinner, or comparing health insurance – where do they turn? Online.To gain cut through in any market, your business needs a strong marketing strategy – so why not invest in the area where your customers are spending the most time, in the digital space.

Here are six reasons why your business should be investing in a solid digital marketing strategy.

1. The potential for mass reach and brand awareness

With the internet being available in most parts of the world, the sky really is the limit when it comes to your ability to reach new audiences.

There are more than 1 billion active users on Facebook alone – that’s a lot of opportunity to grow your business! With a strategic approach to digital marketing, the potential to tap into the masses and grow your brand awareness is both simple and cost effective.

2. Your ability to reach a more targeted audience

Digital platforms such as Google and Facebook are known for the algorithms they have created that give consumers the best, and most personalised experience online. In doing so, they provide a platform which brands can utilise to target digital marketing campaigns to their perfect audience.

In allowing the consumer to dictate their interests, businesses can avoid disrupting the wrong audience with advertising that isn’t relevant to them, potentially damaging brand reputation as well as well as providing no return on your marketing investment!

3. The Stats.

With every campaign you run online, whether it’s via social media, AdWords or retargeting, you are leaving a digital footprint and setting up for analysis. With tools such as Google Analytics available, it is possible to accurately measure where your consumers are coming from, what they are engaging with and at what point they disengage.

Data analysis gives you the ability to adjust and redirect your digital activity based on the insights you gain in real time from your campaigns.

4. The rise of mobile

Did you know, the number of users browsing online with a mobile device has overtaken desktop computers? Mobile has revolutionized how consumers interact with businesses and in this age of immediacy, they expect to search, browse, buy and engage whenever and wherever they are.

The consumer of today is on the move and by reaching them where they are spending the most time, you vastly improve your chance of making an impact.

5. Meaningful customer engagement

Digital marketing makes getting to know and understand consumer behavior relatively easy. The internet’s interactive nature allows businesses to connect with individuals on a personal level, breaking down formal barriers and inviting consumers to build a relationship with your business.

Utilising social media, blogs and forums to create a place where you can interact with consumers, gives them the opportunity to express opinions, comments, likes and dislikes and businesses the opportunity to react and respond.

6. It’s cost effective, effectivemarketing

There is a reason why so many marketers believe that content marketing is the way of the future. Why? Simply, it works.

Traditional marketing mediums are quite often costly and difficult to measure, if you think about how the everyday consumer interacts with content and where they are spending their time, these days there is very little interaction between traditional mediums such as print and radio and potential customers.

This is where digital marketing takes the lead.

With little to no budget, a strong digital marketing campaign can yield a greater ROI, with content being seen by a much larger and more targeted audience.

In this day and age, digital marketing is something that all businesses should be embracing. Without a digital marketing strategy in place, you may be missing out on opportunities to generate leads and establish stronger connections with your current customers.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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