Why Reviewing Your Marketing Systems Is As Important as a Car Service

Just as you wouldn’t drive a car without regularly servicing it, your marketing systems need routine check-ups to ensure they run at peak performance. For many eCommerce businesses, marketing automation platforms (MAPs) like email and SMS campaigns are essential tools. However, as these systems grow more complex, they require ongoing review and optimisation. Without regular maintenance, you could waste time, money, and effort, while your customers receive outdated, irrelevant, or poorly timed communications.

So, why is using outdated marketing services similar to driving an unserviced car? Let’s take a look at it.

1. Optimising Performance and Efficiency

When you service a car, the aim is to make sure it runs smoothly and efficiently. The same principle applies to your marketing systems. As your business evolves, your audience grows, and customer behaviour changes, your marketing platforms need to adapt to the environment.

By reviewing your systems regularly, you can identify underperforming automations, outdated segmentation, or areas where you’re not leveraging all the platform’s capabilities. Are your emails or SMS campaigns triggering at the right time? Are your workflows still aligned with your customer journey? Periodic reviews allow you to fine-tune these aspects, ensuring that your marketing tools continue to deliver results efficiently.

Example: You may discover that an abandoned cart email series is triggering too late, missing the window when customers are still actively considering the purchase. A quick review could lead to a simple tweak that increases conversions.

2. Addressing New Technology and Features

Marketing platforms, like any technology, are constantly evolving. Just as a car manufacturer might release new safety features or performance upgrades, software providers often roll out new features that can significantly enhance your marketing strategies. However, if you’re not reviewing your system regularly, you might miss out on these opportunities.

Regular reviews ensure you’re staying updated with platform innovations—whether that’s advanced segmentation tools, new personalisation features, or enhanced reporting and analytics capabilities. Taking the time to implement these improvements can give you a competitive edge.

Example: You may discover that your email service provider now offers AI-driven send-time optimisation, allowing you to reach customers when they’re most likely to engage. Without a system review, you may miss this valuable opportunity.

3. Identifying and Fixing Errors

Just as a car can develop faults over time, marketing systems can experience breakdowns. An unchecked system can have bugs or errors that go unnoticed, like broken links, incorrect triggers, or deliverability issues. These can lead to poor customer experiences and reduced effectiveness of your campaigns.

Conducting regular system reviews helps you catch and correct these issues before they negatively impact your audience. Additionally, by spotting potential problems early, you prevent larger issues from developing, which could ultimately cost your business in lost sales or damaged reputation.

Example: A review might reveal that your SMS opt-in link has stopped working, resulting in missed opportunities to grow your subscriber list. Catching this error quickly can ensure your growth efforts aren’t derailed.

4. Ensuring Relevance and Personalisation

Customers’ expectations are continually evolving, and your marketing needs to keep pace. Over time, the preferences and behaviours of your audience shift, and a strategy that worked six months ago might no longer hit the mark today.

Regular reviews of your systems help you assess whether your messages are still relevant to your audience. Are you using personalisation effectively? Is your messaging resonating with customers’ current needs? Are your segments accurate? These insights allow you to refresh your content and ensure your campaigns are still relevant and personalised, leading to higher engagement and better results.

Example: You might realise that a segment targeting first-time buyers is being used in multiple workflows, potentially over-communicating and creating customer fatigue. Adjusting these workflows ensures a more tailored experience.

5. Maximising ROI

Ultimately, the goal of any marketing system is to deliver a return on investment (ROI). Just as a well-maintained car is more fuel-efficient, a well-optimised marketing system ensures you’re getting the most out of every dollar spent.

By regularly reviewing your marketing systems, you can identify areas where you might be overspending, underperforming, or missing out on opportunities. This allows you to make informed decisions that maximise the effectiveness of your campaigns and, consequently, your revenue.

Example: You may find that a discount code email is consistently driving more conversions than a generic promotional email, prompting you to adjust your strategy to focus more on offers that your customers are responding to.

Time to Book Your Review

Just as you schedule your car service with an experienced mechanic, it is vital to the health of your business to book a time with a specialist to review your marketing systems. 

Wondering if we are the right ‘dealership’ for you? 

Click here to learn more about our reviews.

The Greenfish team are equipped to review any Email Software (Klaviyo, Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, just to name a few) connected to an Ecommerce platform, like Shopify or Woo-commerce. 

Our experts will provide your business with a tailored review to ensure your system is in the best health for the future, with recommendations to help take your Email, SMS and Automation strategies to the next level. 

Click here to learn more about our reviews.

Here’s what a client said about their review experience:

The best 500 bucks I’ve spent in years! The Greenfish system review summarised our ‘dabble’ in Active Campaign over the roughly nine years we’d been ‘using’ it. Stephen broke down all the data in simple terminology and explained what we’d been doing wrong and right. He took away the fear of the road ahead and gave us security in the knowledge we have this absolute expert in his field right in our corner. Nothing is unachievable and he has a simple answer for every perceived problem. For the first time in a long time, I feel excited about our marketing future without the burden of hours, days and weeks of learning before implementation — as Stephen has already done that. And we’ll receive the benefit. So excited! Thanks Stephen!

– Jodie Peterkin, Peterkin Paper

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