
Email Sending Checklist


Want to not only increase your open and delivery rate but convert traffic into buyers? This checklist gives you the resources to do this, so you will be clicking the send button confidently.


How to Build your Client Profiles


‘Who’ is your best and most ideal client? After filling out this worksheet you’ll know who to target and how to do it through content creation, paid traffic campaigns, product creations, copywriting and email marketing.


73 Point Double your Sales Checklist


Have you implemented all the strategies your competitors might be? There are most likely opportunities your business hasn’t tapped into yet. This checklist will help you identify the tools you are using, and the opportunities that are available that could increase your sales.


Customer Journey Worksheet


Ever wondered what the secret to marketing is? This worksheet helps you move prospects and customers seamlessly and subtly through each phase of the Customer Value Journey, turning prospects from strangers into loyal buyers.